Our expertise includes trademark portfolio management; trademark searches, registration, conducting oppositions, litigation, assignment and franchising, competition law, anti-counterfeiting and watch services.
The present trademark law (1965) is a copy of the England Trade Marks Act 1938 with minor amendments. Okey IP handles all aspects of local and international trademark work.
Other trademark services and matters handled by Okey IP include searches, prosecution, opposition, revocation and invalidity, infringement and anti-counterfeiting.
Nigeria is a member of:
Paris Convention
(Nigeria is not a member of the Madrid system)
Filing information for Nigeria:
Nigerian trademark law requires that a proposed trademark sought to be registered must be in respect of classes of goods or services. When registered, the trademark is entered in the Trademark Register. Nigeria adopts the international classification of goods.
In order to facilitate the registration of a trademark in Nigeria, the following information and documents are required:
Name and address of the owners of the trademark
Class to be registered
Power of Attorney/Authorisation of Agent
A representation of the mark sought to be registered (in JPEG)
No requirement for legalisation or notarisation of documents. The term of a trademark is 7 years and it can be renewed in perpetuity every 14 years.
Please contact us for the list of required information, the registration process, trademark forms and our competitive fees.