New 2017 Nigerian Trade Mark Journal
The Trademark Registry in Nigeria has released a new trademark journal, dated 2nd May 2017. The Journal is titled Vol 1, No. 1 and is the first journal to be published in over a year, the last journal was published in March 2016.
There are four thousand (4,000) trade mark applications listed in the hard copy, all of which were filed through the manual filing system IPAS. These applications filed between 2012 and 2015. Currently, there is no information from the Registry as to why this journal is only advertising applications filed through the IPAS system or if a separate journal for e-filings will be published in the near future.
There is a considerable backlog at the Nigerian Registry which released its journals, at best, only annually. While approximately 20,000 trade mark applications are filed annually in Nigeria, there are approximately 30,000 applications in which have been filed and which have not yet been published. It is vital that that Registry publishes more journals this year to cater for the backlog of applications still awaiting publication.
Please email Okey IP for more information on the recently released journal.